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Services and Pricing

Initial Consultation - $180 – 90 minutes 

If you have never seen a natural therapist before, your initial consultation will be a breath of fresh air. You talk and we listen. The initial consultation will provide us with an overall picture of “you” from birth until now. We will take a complete medical history which will include what has bought you here, your family history, extensive questioning on all body systems, what you currently are feeding yourself and your lifestyle habits. This will allow us to provide you with an individual Treatment Plan which may include dietary and lifestyle suggestions, nutritional supplements, if required, environmental advice. Testing may also be offered, to assist with your Treatment Plan. If your issues are outside our scope of practise we can refer you to the right person to help you and we can work collaboratively with them. 


Following Consultations - $100 – 40-45 minutes 

At the second and following consultation, we will fine tune your Treatment Plan, taking into account any information acquired from research and any issues you have had following the Treatment Plan over the previous week or two. We will also review any progress you have made and make amendments needed to assist you to stay motivated and to continue on your journey to your optimal  health.




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Initial Consultation plus 2 following consultations - $360 (save $20)

Initial Consultation plus 3 following consultations - $440 (save $40)

5 following consultations - $450 (save $50)



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